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VERYCOOL1/6 scale female large bust body FX01-B 3.0
Addtime:2016/4/3 Clicks:4840
VERYCOOL1/6 scale female large bust body FX01-B 3.0
PRODUCT NAME: 1/6 Scale Female Large Bust Body
PRODUCT CODE:FX01-B 3.0、FX03-A(B) 3.0
- Universal ball shaped and cone shaped head adapters
(suitable for all female head sculpts available in the market);
- Hand Sets: 4 Pairs;
- Two Pairs of Foot Set (Bare Flat Feet & High-Heel Feet);
- Pair of Long Feet Connector;
- Pair of Short Feet Connector;
- Pair of Leg Heightening Connector;
- Glove-Hand Set: 3 pieces.
100% of new
Pictures for real shooting, color could be less deviation.
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